Write about your first crush.

Believe it or not, my first crush was Betty Boop. I was very young; I hope that was a good reason.🤔

Betty Boop made her debut as the first fully human and female animated film character, leaving a significant mark in animation history. Drawing inspiration from Esther Lee ‘Baby Esther’ Jones, a prominent Black Chicago singer of the 1920s, the character of Betty Boop embodies a blend of parody and bold sexuality. Despite her anthropomorphic cartoon canine origins in the 1930 short film “Dizzy Dishes,” Betty Boop quickly evolved into a symbol of unabashed sensuality, captivating audiences with her singing and dancing antics. Throughout her presence in the media, Betty Boop has remained an iconic figure, recognized for her pioneering role as one of the early sex symbols on the animated screen. The character’s origins and evolution reflect the cultural landscape of the time, showcasing a mix of influences that have shaped her enduring legacy in popular culture.

There you have it🥴

2 responses to “Betty Boop”

  1. Anthony Avatar

    I think she’s a good crush to have 😃

    Liked by 1 person

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